These clapbacks are fantastic and a teaching tool. This is the first I've heard of the term "race hustler" and my silly white girl brain thinks of all the movies with "hustler" in them and horse races, and initially thinks, wait, Monique is doing long cons related to the ponies? But then when I was 11 years old I thought "oral sex" meant you were talking with someone about sex, so a lot I know.

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Hahaha, the "oral sex did me in, girl.

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This part took me OWT! "Ass flat, but that’s OK, cause it ain’t never stopped nothing over here."

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Listen. I'm just keeping it real.

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Oh, I am so happy to read Clapbacks once again! 🙌🏼 Thank you!

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Thank you for reading!

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I needed this today. 😂

Love seeing it outside a Twitter environment. Going there literally affects my health now. 🙄

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I just came back here and you just reminded me why I love it here. 🥰

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