confessions and ramblings from a caffeine addict
espresso drinking, what I did today, pictures I've taken recently, and random thoughts
I had way too much caffeine way too late yesterday, which prevented me from falling asleep until 5 a.m. this morning. That resulted in me not getting up until 9 a.m. when my original alarm was originally set for 6 a.m.
This is an example of life throwing things off, but I adapted and still got shit done today, so king me, bitches.
I drank espresso again after noon today, so pray for me. My caffeine addiction and the cycle within which I find myself (I drink so much I can’t sleep then drink more the next day because I’m sleepy), is repetitive and likely preventable, but the way I’mma keep drinking espresso every day no matter what is not going to change, so here we are.
Watching a movie in one sitting is a constant battle between me and my ADHD. It’s not a testament to whether the movie is interesting or not; it’s about whether my overactive brain is going to be still long enough for me to digest what I’m watching without wandering down a rabbit hole of unrelated thoughts.
I’m proud to say I finally watched Equalizer 3 in its entirety. I enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed the first two. Denzel is spectacular as an action hero; this is not up for debate.
I ran errands today; read more of Parable of the Sower; took Lady to the dog park; did some housekeeping; cooked a good dinner; and had a political debate I will write about in another space and at another time.
It was a full day.
I’m preparing myself for bed at this time, so please enjoy this picture of my fur baby.
Doing drive-up order pick-up at Target is really my kink. I can't explain why I get so much joy and pleasure out of it. It's just one of those things.
A reader pointed out that the way my Chromebook slows down the more Chrome tabs I have open isn’t my fault. Apparently, the Chrome browser itself is a memory hog, and each open tab “is basically another instance of Chrome,” so I’m not the problem; Chrome is.
I currently have 33 tabs open. I promised I closed some before, but I ended up opening more today while working.
I want to blame the Grammarly extension for some of the slowdown since it pops up every time I type a word, but I’mma be cool because it’s definitely helping me to catch errors and typos that my lazy brain misses even when I read through my posts multiple times before publishing.
I’m going to blame missing those errors and typos on the way our brains automatically correct text in our heads as we read. I see the correct word even though I typed the incorrect one.
I’m not in a race or a contest with anyone as far as reading books is concerned because I believe we all need to read at our own pace.
That said, when my friend Anitra told me she is currently reading six books at once, I immediately wanted my brain to be able to function like that because all I could think of was how much more reading and learning I could get done if I were reading six books at a time.
Is there a collective obsession with Aaron Pierre happening right now?
Is Drake crashing out again?
Pusha chapter 1 is in progress. Y’all finna be happy.
I’m thinking about changing the name of this blog. I haven’t decided yet.
I found a pair of readers that I love. Don’t I look cute?
Hey man. Reading 6 books at once is slow-going lol. I think this is how my neurospiciness manifests; mileage may vary. Yes everyone is obsessed with Aaron Pierre and did Aubrey ever *stop* crashing out?
I have always marveled at the pace that Anitra reads!