Today’s Throwback Thursday post was written in 2002.
It was part of a series of posts I did about men and sexuality and the resistance they can sometimes put up when it comes to certain types of sexual acts.
Anyway, please read, like, comment, tell me what you loved, tell me what you hated, and all that jazz.
Also, enjoy all the totally unrelated throwback photos I’ve included in the mix.
We were lovers for the better part of two years, he and I.
Complements to each other both in bed and in the scene, we had a bond that was like best friends with benefits. Indeed, we had the best of each other.
I knew that in his hometown 400 miles from where we went to college there was a girlfriend he exchanged letters and long distance phone bills with. I didn't mind it so much. When we were together he made me feel like there was no one else but him and I. He pretended to ignore all of my male "friends." We coexisted comfortably in our own relationship dynamic, and that was all that mattered.
During winter snows that prevented anyone from moving anywhere and held us all captive in our homes, we would turn the heat in the house up high enough to make it summertime and lounge around in our underwear drinking sweet tea and making love in the soft afternoon light like lovers on a honeymoon. It is on these long, comfortable weekends that I loved him most.
On one such occasion, we were lying in bed next to each other, him and I. He was on his back, completely relaxed with his legs stretched straight out. His hands were folded behind his head, and his attention was focused on Sportscenter, which was playing on the television. I lay on my side, facing him. One arm was bent under my head and the other rested along my side. As the replays of the day’s greatest moments in sports were filtered through to us, he provided his own personal commentary while I stared at his impossibly long eyelashes
.“You have really long eyelashes for a guy.”
“I know. It’s a curse. They always get in my eye.”
As if to punctuate his point, he rubbed his eye.
“See, you jinxed me.”
I lay there and watched him rub first his left eye and then his right, rubbing them until he felt the foreign body was out. He turned his head toward me.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” he asked.
“I’m not staring at you. I’m thinking about something,” I said.
“What are you thinking about?”
I shrugged my shoulders and scooted closer to him, placing my hand on his stomach. His scent was a mixture of bath soap and fabric softener. I leaned forward and sniffed at him.
"I like the way you smell," I said.
"I like the way you smell, " he said and pinched me on the thigh.
“I like the way your t-shirt smells – like fresh laundry.”
“That’s Snuggle, baby,” he said.
We grinned at each other. I began moving my hand in slow circles, rubbing his chest. He let out a relaxed sigh.

“That feels good,” he said softly.
“Mm hmm,” I murmured. My eyes were closed, and I was concentrating on the act of relaxing him.
"Are you trying to start something:" he asks casually.
I opened my eyes.
"Nope. I know you're watching Sportscenter. Plus I want to hear the basketball scores," I said.
After a few moments he reached for the remote and turned the television off.
“Why did you turn it off?”
“Cause it’s distracting,” he said in a low voice.
I smiled at him then because I thought that was cute.
He smiled back at me and kissed me softly on the lips. He pulled me closer to him, and I ended up with my head resting on his shoulder, my hand continuing to rub his chest and his stomach. His stomach made a noise – not a growl, but one of those weird noises stomachs make when there is no food in them. I reached my hand under his T-shirt and rubbed his stomach gently.
“Are you hungry?”
“I think so.”
“You think so?”
“Well, I can’t concentrate on anything right now because you’re touching me like that.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
He turned over on his side and faced me when he said this. We lay there looking at each other for a moment. He took his hand and rested it on my hip. His fingertips drummed lightly against my skin.
I was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of granny panties. (You know you are extra comfortable with a man when you feel comfortable wearing your granny panties around him and it’s not a thing.)
His fingers traced their way down to the band of my underwear, and he rested them there with a curious look on his face.
“Did you start your period?” he asked.
“No, why?” I responded with my own question.
“Cause you usually only wear these when you are on it.”
(You know a man is really comfortable with you when he makes casual mention of your period like it’s no big deal.)
“It’s laundry day.” I grinned at him when I said this and then leaned into him, burying my face in his chest.
His fingertips began a slow crawl down my hip and across my thigh. His free arm came around to encircle me and he rolled us over so that I was on my back and he was lying on top of me. I opened my eyes then and looked at him; he was looking back at me. His hands were underneath me; he had a light grip on my ass.
We lay still like that for a minute. The churn of the refrigerator in the kitchen was the only sound in the apartment aside from our breathing. I felt secure and relaxed in his arms. The weight of him on top of me was a familiar, comfortable feeling.
He leaned down and touched his lips to mine softly. I didn’t move. My hands still rested under his shirt, pressed against his chest. He leaned down and kissed me again. This time he let his lips linger a little longer. He traced his tongue slowly over my lips before sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.
He whispered it, and my ear filled with his warm breath, sending chills down my spine.
"What?" I whispered back in a brief moment between kisses.
"Get naked."
He didn’t whisper this time. He said it in a low voice then leaned down and bit me on the nipple.
I laughed. "Yes sir," I said, saluting him. We both got up and removed what little clothing we were wearing.
I sat on the edge of the bed watching him fumble around in the nightstand for a condom. His butt was right in front of my face, and for a brief moment, I considered smacking him on it. My heavy hand against his bare ass would make a loud noise in the quiet room. It might hurt more than I intended it to and ruin the mood. I opted to kiss him on his bottom instead.
I did it using my tongue. My lips made contact first, and then before I knew it, I had a section of his right ass cheek in between my teeth. I flicked my tongue across it then pulled back. It all happened rather quickly. I hear him gasp in surprise and then –
"What are you doing?"
"I licked you on the butt."
"You licked me and you bit me. Cut that out."
"You didn't like it?"
"Yeah I liked it. Maybe too much. Stop that."
I laughed. "If you liked it, why should I stop?"
"I dunno, isn't it kinda weird for you to be doing stuff to my butt?"
He stood there for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."
"You're being silly. Come here." I pulled him toward me on the bed. He lay down beside me again, and I rubbed him on his chest.
"You trust me right?" I asked him.
"With my life," he said without hesitation.

"Okay. Turn over." He looked at me for a moment then did as I asked. I started off slow, kissing and licking and nibbling his back, slowly making my way down.
"That feels good," he said.
"Mm hm," was my only response.
When my tongue reached his ass, he sucked in his breath and squirmed a little, but I didn’t stop.
"Relax, " I said, using the same combination of kissing and licking and nibbling until I've thoroughly covered both cheeks.
He lay still, his hands under the pillow on which he rested his head, his body totally relaxed.
I seized my opportunity. I played my tongue around the hole, and a sound I've never heard him make before left his throat.
"Should I stop?"
Hesitation. Then, "No."
I started playing with the hole again, this time with my finger. I tried slipping it in, a little bit at a time. I felt him tense up.
"Relax baby, " I coaxed. I distracted him by licking his balls and after a moment my finger was in. I could tell when I hit the right spot because his dick got rock hard.
We lay there like that - him on his stomach, his legs spread out and me beside him, biting his ass while my finger pressed the money spot. He only allowed me to stay there for a moment.
"OK. Stop," he said softly.
I did as he asked. He turned over and revealed the biggest hard on I had ever seen on him.
As he slipped the condom on he said, "You worked for this, girl. Come here."
He didn’t give me a chance to move.
He grabbed my legs and put them on his shoulders. When he rammed into me the first time, I let out an involuntary yelp, and he knew he'd hit the spot. I could tell he was already worked up, and once we get going, I knew it wouldn’t be long before he exploded.
When his body shuddered against mine and he whispered in my ear that I did this – that I made him this weak – I didn't say a word.
We lay there in darkness, listening to each other breathe. He got up to dispose of the condom. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands. When I climbed back into the bed, he snuggled up against me and put his arms around my waist. I could feel him hard against me, and I giggled.
"What's so funny?" he asked sleepily.
"Nothing," I said, grinning in the dark.
"OK," he mumbled into my neck.
Before long his soft snores let me know he was sleeping. His arm was still wrapped protectively around me, and his breath was warm on the back of my neck. Whatever he was dreaming about must have been pleasant because I could still feel him hard against me.
I smiled in the darkness, then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Ate that right up!!! PUN FULLY INTENDED!!🔥🤭
I'm fascinated by the title...that poke sent himnmm & took him out!!!